Easter has a much deeper reason as to why we celebrate it. It’s way more then chocolate bunnies and egg hunts. It includes a cross, 3 nails, and a loving Savior that sacrificed himself and rose from the grave. Let’s start at the beginning of the true meaning…
Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover. What is the Passover you might ask? Well it took place in Egypt during Moses’ time. When the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians. Plagues and famines occurred to break Pharaoh into letting God’s people go. In his anger, Pharaoh cursed his own people with death to every first born.
God instructed Moses to smear lamb’s blood around the door of his people so that they’d be spared. That night every first born of every Egyptian even to the Pharaoh’s son was killed. Death passed over them for their freedom. Thus was called Passover.
Return to Jerusalem…
Jesus returned to Jerusalem on a donkey to show prophecy of a king coming in peace. He was welcomed by a huge crowd. Jesus encountered many confrontations from the chief priests and Pharisees questioning his authority. He even cleared out the temple of any traders and those selling goods for profits. The temple is a house of prayer not a den for robbers.
Passover night he ate the last supper with his disciples. The bread he shared with them he said represented his body to be sacrificed and the wine represented his blood to be shed. They were confused but soon would understand what he meant. After they ate, they made their way out to Gethsemane for prayer.
During prayer his disciples kept falling asleep. But then he knew his time had come. Soldiers came in to arrest him and Judas gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek. He turned to Judas and said “You betray the Son of Man with a kiss”.
Trials and Suffering…

During the days of trials and going before different leaders for judgment, he endured so much suffering that many couldn’t handle. He was mocked, spat on, kicked, and cursed.
He was flogged which consisted of being stripped down, stretched against a pillar or bent over a low post with hands tied. The torture instrument was a short wooden handle that had several straps of leather attached to it. Bits of iron or bones were interwoven into the pieces of leather. They whipped Jesus repeatedly from both sides which severely ripped him up. It’s a brutal form of torture that many have died from. After all that, he was covered with a scarlet robe and they twisted together a crown of thorns then shoved it down on his head.
The Cross
If all that wasn’t enough, he also had to carry his own cross out to a place called Golgotha (which means the place of the Skull). Along the way, a man named Simon was made to help carry it for him the rest of the way. There he was placed on the cross with a nail hammered into his hands and feet. Then they raised the cross up and dropped into the hole that was dug for it.

After the cross was set, the crowd mocked and laughed at him. There was a criminal on either side of him hung on their own cross as well. One was mocking him but the other was more sorry for his crimes and pleaded with Jesus for forgiveness. Among the crowd there were those that loved him. Like some of his disciples and even his own mother.
It is Finished
After many hours Jesus cried out, “It Is Finished!”. Right then the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. A soldier nearby then proclaimed surely he was the Son of God. They decided to check and confirm that he’s dead and pierced his side.
That evening a rich man named Joseph who was a follower of Jesus requested his body to be buried in his own tomb. He was granted the request and went to get Jesus’ body down to wrap in clean linen cloths. Then he placed him in his tomb and rolled a stone over the entrance.
Soldiers were ordered to guard the tomb because the chief priests and Pharisees didn’t trust the disciples. They feared that they would try to steal the body and go around telling people that he rose from the dead.

On the third day, there was a violent earthquake, the stone rolled away from the tomb and an angel sat on it. The soldiers were so afraid that they shook and became like dead men. When the women came to the tomb, the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples; He has risen from the dead and is going to Galilee.” The women ran off to tell the disciples what they seen and heard.
In Galilee, where Jesus told them to meet him, Jesus gave them one final commission. To “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.”
So with that being said, we celebrate Easter because our Savior has risen and defeated the grave. He who suffered and became the ultimate sacrifice to save our sins that we may have eternal life one day in Heaven.