Reveal Cell Cams
Reveal Cell Cams

Trail cameras in general have changed the way sportsmen and women monitor what game they have on their land for hunting. It provides them a way to see what travels through an area without being detected. With ordinary cameras, you have to physically go out to the camera and pull the SD memory card to view the photos. These days with cell cams you have the luxury of technology that sends the photos right to your phone. When you create your Reveal account and download the app, you’re then able to activate each camera and set them up how you want them.

If the camera has good signal, strong batteries, and a recommended SD card, then it will send photos to the app no matter where you are. The recommended brands for an SD card is SanDisk, Lexar, or Tactacam. It must be a full sized, 16-32 GB, Class 10, U3 card. The reason for this is to provide you with the best performance and communication from the camera to the app.

Reveal Similarities

X 2.0 Front
Reveal X 2.0

Reveal was developed to create quality products for everyone to use, no matter their purpose. Several cameras have already been released along the way, but the top ones on the market now are the X 2.0 and the X Pro. They have many similarities between the two, yet they also have some differences as well.

X Pro Front
Reveal X Pro

They similar in detecting animals out to 96+ feet and produce quality photos. Both cameras have the ability to request HD photos and videos. You just need to be sure the settings are set right to receive those videos. Both cameras are waterproof and compatible with the solar panel that we provide to extend the power source. They both give you the choice of using a Verizon or AT&T SIM for the best service in your particular area.

Reveal Differences

X 2.0 Open
Reveal X 2.0

The differences these cameras have begins with the night illustration as the X 2.0 has a low glow and the X Pro has no glow. The Reveal X 2.0 has an on-board Wi-Fi, while the X Pro does not. This is where you can pair your phone with it like a Bluetooth and see what the camera sees. It helps to understand where the main motion detection zone is that sets it off. You can even reformat the SD card through this connection too. You must be close to the camera to do this though.

X Pro Open
Reveal X Pro

Since the Reveal X Pro has the LCD screen, it doesn’t have the on-board Wi-Fi feature. However, you can see what the camera sees and much more right on the camera. What this camera does have that the X 2.0 does not, is the built-in GPS feature. This is where the camera pings its location on the app’s map every time it checks in with the system.


In summary, these Reveals are incredible cell cams that are out on the market. Both cameras provide great abilities overall so you can’t go wrong with either choice. It would only come down to which feature is more of a preference to you, the Wi-Fi or GPS. This may help you in your decision-making process if you’re considering one, to which I’d highly recommend. Shop for yours today at Reveal Cell Cam website.

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