Whenever I’m able to, I like to get outside and enjoy some quiet time savoring the fresh air. After slinging some arrows down the yard, I sat down and began to reflect on a few things. Reflected on life and the many blessings that God gave us. At some point a thought came to me, “You can shoot a target all day long, but are you really hitting your desired mark? Could you even be missing the target at times?”

The Reflection

A major fact is that we’re all humans that have bad days. We tend to make mistakes, whether we admit it or not. One thing to keep in mind is not to get discouraged and to never lose hope. That’s something that I’ve personally managed to learn over time.

Reflection: Focus and Aim

If you’re missing your mark, what can be changed to aim better? Is your focus off any? Does your sights need adjusting? Where is your anchor at? Do you have a weakness that needs improving? Are you properly equipped enough? Even the slightest movement could affect your shot as well.

This reflection could be used toward life in the same way. For example, what are you aiming for? What changes could you make to hit your mark more precisely? This may show some similarities between shooting a bow and setting goals in life. Focus on what you want to aim for. Keep your sights on those goals or even reaching an eternal reward. God is the most secured source, whether you’re a believer or not. He loves you unconditionally as his beloved child and creation.

Set Your Sights


Now to hit your mark every time, be sure your sights are set and remember to breathe. Sometimes to go forward in life, we must be pulled back enough to have the momentum we need to go the distance.

Reflecting on your life is something we should all take the time for regularly. Even if it’s only for 5 to 10 minutes. Find a peaceful, quiet spot to just breathe and take it all in. If you feel lost or unsure, turn to your Creator and you’ll find what you truly need. If you don’t know how to go about it, find a good mentor you trust for guidance. You can overcome anything when you add determination and the right kind of focus to the mix.

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