Crib Night

The day had come that I dreaded when my baby sleeps in his own room. For several weeks I started getting him acclimated to his crib by having him take naps in it during the day. I know it’s part of growing up but I wasn’t ready to let go of the baby phase. He’s one year old now so it’s time. No he wasn’t sleeping in the bed with us. He slept in a playpen where I could easily hear him if needed.


I had everything ready and situated for his first night. The monitor was all hooked up and had a movie ready to start when it was time. After getting him fed and changed, he laid there with us until bedtime. When the time came, I sat down to rock him before laying him down. It was still emotionally hard on me but I managed to deal with it. Before walking out, I turned on his movie for some noise and entertainment until he fell asleep.

Becoming A Toddler

As I laid in bed watching him on the monitor, I couldn’t help but tear up behind a smile because my baby was becoming a toddler. Watching him cruise around his crib showed me that pretty soon he’ll be walking everywhere. At first he seemed restless while tossing and turning but finally settled down around 11:00 pm and went to sleep. I watched him for awhile longer before going to sleep myself.

Sleeping Baby

He did wake up twice during the night. Once from a possible bad dream or the change, the other time because he lost his passie. He seemed to be okay after that and slept until after 7:00 am. Overall I’d say his first night went well. Sure it’s an adjustment, but a good one for all of us. Our kids grow up so fast that we need to cherish each moment we can before they’re gone. If we take the little moments for granted, we’ll forever regret it.

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