Meeting the Wants and Needs

Tampa International Airport prides itself on being “always personal” with their customer service. They use social media to highlight ways they take care of their customers as personally as they can. In the case of “Tale of Tiger’s Big Adventure” they showcase how an operations manager took time on his lunch hour to take a boy’s missing tiger around the airport and share its adventure with photos. The manager then took it upon himself to go to Walgreens and create a book of those photos for the child to forever remember his toys journey.

Tiger's Journey

The airport met the wants of the target audience by how they returned a child’s toy with the bonus of the photo book. The needs were met by showcasing their value toward family with children. Especially those who travel with children as things might happen, but this shows what lengths they’ll go for their customers. They were successful because they turned a devastating situation for a child into a better one with recovery and a gift.

Social and Consumer Experience

Tampa International Airport presented the story in the way it happened and was successful in that storytelling method. It gave insight into the importance of improving the situation for a small customer and his family. It proves that no matter how small they are, they are valued just the same as anyone. It also gave a real-life feel of the animated movie “Toy Story” along with emotions of a real child who lost his favorite toy. They showed what type of service their customers will receive and how personal they go. The other social experiences were with so many commenting on similar experiences they’ve had with them.

Digital Medi Followers

The digital media followers were highly engaged over this story since it created a flow of emotions for that child and how the airport handled the situation. It went viral, which proves its high engagement and how they went above and beyond for a child. Even other airport staff members interacted with the story and its images shared.  It inspired others to share their personal experiences with the airport on social media as well. This caused news outlets to get wind of it, which also sparked further brand awareness.


Tiger Returned

Tampa International Airport handed the situation very well and turned a situation around for the family. They went above and beyond the call of duty with it which exceeds more than could’ve been asked for. The tiger went on an amazing journey around the airport and to showcase that in a photo album, for the child to always cherish is the best thing possible. When the airport recovered the tiger after being made aware, they took action. It’s unclear how long it took the airport to really get the notification and respond but they executed very well.

Current Media

The airport’s social media pages continue the personal touch with their consistent posts of encouragement or uplifting news. One their recent posts that was shared on Facebook shows an image of a flamingo with the just checking in to tell you that you’re loved feel to it. It shows a personal outreach to show they care about their audience and customers. Their website has the same feel to those personal touches and care as well. Their ethical engagements are enriched with that same tone and voice from each platform they use and then some. Tampa International Airport truly does care about everyone of their customers no matter the demographic or geographic they are.


Zink, Janet. Tale of tiger’s big adventure highlights airport’s commitment to customer service. Shorty Awards LLC.

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