A day in the life of Doe Range consists of planning and sharing content to better appeal to the audience in a way that presents what the brand values. Since there are no products being offered, money isn’t required. There is only content to view such as articles and videos. I try to present topics in a way that anyone, no matter their age or gender, can relate to in some way. There are also experiences behind the scenes that go into creating or finding inspiration for the content.
The platforms that are visited most often are Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. This is where content is shared with images or videos to capture interest and showcase what Doe Range provides or values. Each app is different and provides different angles I can display per media platform.
Facebook is good to post generally anything from quotes, photos, or video clips. There’s also groups galore where you can showcase your content in a creative way without self-promoting. Instagram as we all know requires a photo or video clip to the post for attention grabbers. TikTok is the same, but it pushes content differently as the algorithm functions its own way. This platform provides a way to analyze what the trending topics are so that you can post accordingly to grow a better following.
The positive reactions I’ve seen from TikTok is sharing video clips bring attention or views after a while. It’s more fun to engage on this platform than others, due to the connections are better. It also provides a layout of trends and shows you what to post on any given day. Follow the trail and gain more traffic or followers. However, I have been a little disappointed with the algorithms of Facebook. It seems that reaching the desired audience organically is more challenging. Unless you have a highly dedicated following that reshares your content, it won’t get seen by that many.
When it comes to using different types of digital media, I wouldn’t say satisfaction comes from just one. I guess if one’s audience is more directive on one, then it would work out just fine. Most others use multiple platforms to scroll content. According to google analytics, the organic traffic tends to come from every platform that is shared on including word of mouth. The demographic also ranges across those platforms, and I love to see the diversity in the reach. So, if I had to address if my personal satisfaction came from one type of media the answer to that would be a no as it comes from all.
Potential Emails
Sometimes when you’re a brand, companies just might send emails for potential marketing or affiliate reasons. Personally, I’ve gotten emails before through email or social media. Some were mostly spam or irrelevant while others were more legit. Affiliations can be a good starting point for those just beginning but others grow into partnerships or sponsorships.
The type of email that catches my attention would be one that aligns with the same values and promotes quality products or services that also align with my brand. I’ve done marketing work for a certain company for years and now I officially work with them full time. I still share content outside of work for them too. Many times, those emails pay off in the long run so once you have your direction, keep your standards high on what you wish to partner with.
Digital Media Use
There is a huge focus on adding personalization to your brand to better target your audience. There is also a focus on engagement, and of course AI has become a huge powerhouse on it as well. You can optimize campaigns or traffic in general with analytics to better reach your audience in an effective way. Utilizing digital media helps to spread brand awareness in many ways, however you choose whether paid or organically.
We all see how much AI is taking over with search engines and social media due to it supposedly making things easier. It uses chatbot interactions and drives us crazy when searching for something then it throws up a chat box for us when it’s unnecessary. Above all else, creating quality content that can be attractive and informative for growing an audience or potential customers. Content is the base of marketing your brand so strategizing well is crucial.